Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fixing It Up to Put It Back Down

I've been away for an extended bit. I went on Staycation. I stayed home, and vacationed from most of the soul crushing Daily Grind.  However, some things, ya just can't escape, doncha know?

So what did I do?

I bought a new fancy schmantzy sewing machine, requiring concerted effort to learn to use. Sewing is a great Flow relaxation activity! I plowed into projects languishing in clutter piles. Finished several large blankets and a baby quilt/pillowcase. Pretty things! Good for the soul!

I wrote at my online journal. Like an old fashioned diary, it's ' locked" to prevent prying eyes.

I read many books! Most on Kindle, but a few paper- printed ones. complete with spines!

I listened to music and watched quite a few movies. Netflix and Roku are Good.

I baked and cooked, every day. It soothes.

Caught up on laundry.

Took the dog to the vet.

Helped my son volunteer.

And I walked. I lost 5 lbs and my blood pressure is down to normal, even with my prodigious caffeine consumption.

Not exactly the stuff of Destination vacations, but badly needed. While I generally enjoy my job, the time off forced me to recognize how demanding it is. So encompassing it is, when I am working, there is little time or energy left over for other pursuits. Or other people.

Not cool.

Time for a change.

Watch what happens.....

O' Suze.     


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Monster a Go- Go

Ya know, I can't make this shit up. Really. Truly.  Reality is waay more funked up than any twistedness emanating from my frontal lobe or black pysche.

Boys and I are home, enjoying an array of shitastic cineamatic effluvia, courtesy of  Netflix on Demand. We enjoy a nasty sci- fi. Family Bonding and all. Last week, Fantastic Voyage, with Raquel Welch being molested by macrophages and some dude with a serious cleft chin. Nice.

Just so ya know, they're doing a remake. Should be out next summer. Whoa. This dreck won an Oscar. As our movies go, not so miserable.

Then, we found this! Oh. My. God. Monster A Go- Go. I can't even find a non MST3K clip to share. However, for those really curious it is available on Hulu. FREE!  Worst movie ever. We know crappy movies in multiple genres and this stinker takes the cake.
  • horrible audio
  • washed out video. Light meter? Anyone???
  • funky awful editing
  • never ending helicopter scenes
  • hipsters dancing go- go
  • no continuity. Story? We don't need no stinking story!
  • the "monster" and special effects are neither scary nor special. 
Sixty- three minutes we will never get back. But, way more gratifying than a Tom Cruise movie.

Nominees for your favorite Most Loathsome Waste of Film?    


Friday, February 11, 2011


For Valentine's Day, I'm gonna come clean. I have a big Crush. Not the Leave Your Husband and Kids Become the Talk of the PTO Crush, as that would be too predictable and boring. Requires far too much energy and planning for my ADD addled self.

No, my crush is cerebral. More the " Wow! That's sooo cool! I wanna be her friend!" Not a "special" friend, but the Let's Trade Books and MP3's and Drink Martinis from Coffee Cups buddy.

I first read Jincy Willett a few years ago. Her voice is snarky clear with impeccable characterizations and delicious, elegant plot twists. The cherry on top is Ms. Willett's contributions to McSweeney's. Yeah, I'm a fan. I promise not to stalk. The Writing Class should be prerequisite for claiming, " I am a writer." Really? Wonder what Jincy's rejoinder would be? 

The Jincy library is not permitted to circulate amongst my associates. They can have all the Oprah yawners and NYT smash hits. I keep Jincy to myself. Bonus: Ms. Willett authored a NYT Book review of Elizabeth Stuckey-French's The Revenge of the Radioactive Lady, this week. May have to add Ms. Stuckey-French to the list.  

After Ms. Willett, my next not so secret crush is Hollis Gillespie. Monogamy is over rated. Once upon a time, I was introduced to the Ms. Gillespsie's work by Sista' Carrie. Bleachy Haired Honky Bitch; Confessions of a Recovering Slut; and Trailer Trashed also inhabit the hallowed Thou Shalt Not Lend shelf, alarmed and enclosed in a veil of razor wire. 

If I could write even an itty bity, teeny tiny fraction as well as these ladies, I'd consider that a success.

So, what's on your Thou Shalt Not Lend Shelf? 


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Apples and Trees

This morning is a bracing 1F with negative wind chills. Toasty. Normally, my progeny walk to school. Not a huge endeavor, as we live on the same block as their schools. Walking to school is usually much faster than driving given the traffic patterns and distracted teen drivers.

As is my habit when the weather is especially awful, I drove my children to school. Me and every other Concerned Mommy. 

Traffic patterns+ teen drivers distracted by cell phones and texting= a very cranky O' Susannah for the Morning Drive. This morning, it took no less than four traffic light signal cycles to turn left on to the school campus. 

I dropped 16yo off at high school, first. Then, headed to the rear of the campus to the Middle School, navigating between icy mountains  of snow and teens on cell phones walking into traffic. By the time I had successfully cleared the high school, I was in rare form, cursing and blaspheming all who dared cross in front of me. Swearing as Performance Art. In retrospect, I'm reasonably certain not all of them are the misbegotten products of Hell wraiths and Biblically prohibited acts. 

Skidding to a slippery "stop" at a three- way intersection at the entrance to the Middle School, I politely gestured ( Really! Just a simple mittened hand fingers!) for the other car to proceed. 

" See? I'm not always a screaming bitch." 

" Mom, don't do that." 

" Don't do what?"

"Lie to yourself."

" What do you mean?"  Fighting more demolition derby traffic, but now with added interest of a roundabout and patches of tire- piercing irregular chunks of ice.

" You work really hard to achieve that! Don't sell yourself short!"  

Pulling up the school, " I love you and have a good day. Now, get out of the car!"

I left the school campus, laughing. Back home, I shared the above with my husband, who let lose with a hearty belly laugh. Most parents would be distraught, hurt, or angry if a 13 yo child had addressed them in that manner. Not me. 13yo just called me out on my bad behavior in a witty and tactful way.  

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mid Winter

Today is beautiful! Crystalline clear blue skies. Sun sparkling against the icy snow. Intricate frost meandering across frozen surfaces.

Feels like Change is in the air. 

I dunno know what's going to happen or when, but electricity is in the air. And it's not just static from Winter. Can you feel it, too?

Maybe, I'm just waking from winter slumber? A sort of creative hibernation?

Let's make something! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rules of Engagement

Mommy Blogs abound. If you're looking for one of those, you'll be disappointed. I occasionally write about my kids and dogs, but they are not the focus. Supporting players. The kids deserve to navigate adolescence without every foible or blemish  dutifully documented and posted forever and always on the InterWeb.

Think back to your own teen years way back when......remember that mullet? Frizzy perm? Maybe you sported spikes or mohawk? Suburban kid channeling " Urban"? Dorky dates? Fashion mishaps? Acne? Orthodontia? Bad music? Rejection? Insecurity? Stupidity? Don't lie! None of us was was cool as we wished/hoped/prayed. Would you like it immortalized and linked on the InterWeb? Viral Adolescence! Cool name for a punk band, but scarring reality.

The dogs? Bit players with walk- on cameos. 

Work. We've all gotta pay the bills. I like my job. My husband enjoys his. Let's not rock the boat, baby. You'll only read oblique, veiled references to Paid Employment. No names or identifying data. Speech may be Free, but my mortgage isn't. Besides, discretion is more alluring.

Frequency of Posting. I work. I raise kids. I like to create in my off- hours, read, listen to obscure music, and watch sub-par Indie films. At least once a fortnight, I even clean and engage in laundry. Crazy! Expect a new post several times a week, as time permits.    

Linky Love. Links and blogs I follow will be evolving. I'm working on it. Stay tuned!

Facebook/ Twitter. I don't. Yet. No deeply held philosophical Luddite conviction not to belong. Just haven't been sufficiently motivated to do so. Maybe if "Farmville" had zombies?

O' Suz~